Local, Natural, Sustainable

Agriculture is not just about growing on food, it is a way of life that connects us to the earth and to our roots


To become a center of excellence undergraduate agricultural education with agro-entrepreneurial, competitive, innovative and environmentally friendly characteristics in the fields of Food Crop Agronomy and Horticulture at the national level by 2025.


Carrying out the high quality and comprehensive academic education to produce superior agricultural graduates with agro-entrepreneurial, competitive, innovative and environmentally friendly characteristics in the fields of Food Crop Agronomy and Horticulture

Developing a research culture within the research group (KeRis) to support competitive Food Crop and Horticulture Agronomy research

Carrying out community service based on innovative research results in the fields of Food Crop Agronomy and Horticulture


a Glimpse of Agronomy

Courses in agronomy generally discuss cultivation technology for high-value crops, developments in agricultural science and technology, as well as supporting science in managing sustainable agriculture. Learning method in class, laboratorium, and field is using Outcome Based Education (OBE): case method & mini project

Field Practicum

  • Collaborate with others in Agriculture Scope
  • Learn directly from farmers or scientist
  • Experience the world of agriculture

Student Activities

  • Extracurricular activities outside of lectures
  • HIMAGRO (Agronomy Student Association)
  • Other student activity units within the scope of UNEJ